Erin Yun

The left of the image shows Erin Yun, author of Pippa Park, in an orange picture frame. To the right of her in a blue picture frame, is a younger picture of her as a child dressed in pink and orange.

Erin Yun is the author of the bestselling AAPI middle grade series, Pippa Park. She received her BA in English from New York University and her Masters in Creative Writing at Cambridge. She created the Pippa Park Author Program, an interactive writing workshop, which she has conducted in person and virtually at schools, libraries, and bookstores. Folks can tell she grew up in Texas by how often she says ya’ll.
  1. She’s obsessed with personality quizzes and takes them for her characters.
  2. She is half Korean, and half Polish/Germanic.
  3. Her favorite foods include: kimchi-jjigae, cherry ice cream, and walnut cakes filled with red bean.
  4. She ran a bubblegum-selling business in middle school until it was shut down.
  5. Her family lore says that her grandfather lost part of his farm in a game of Go-Stop.
  6. She likes creating scavenger hunts in which participants dress like secret agents and follow clues.
  7. Her favorite places in the world include Seoul, London, and Tokyo.
  8. She was president of the New York University policy debate team.
  9. Her family dogs, Belle and Yoko, both bark incredibly loudly despite being foolishly tiny.
  10. She lives in New York City, but folks can tell she grew up in Texas by how often she says ya’ll.
This image shows Erin Yun's Author Program which is an interactive writing workshop that guides young writers through the first steps in creating their own retelling and how to transform a story from the classics into a fractured classic. Erin Yun's Author Program & Endorsements 

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Books By Erin Yun