
NaNoWriMo Tips From Author Erin Yun

NaNoWriMo Tips From Author Erin Yun
Nov 11, 2019 by Erin Yun

1. Outlines Can Be Your Friend: I know there’s a great divide between Pantsers and Plotters, but as somebody who has the urge to write on the edge of her seat but has to remind herself to do some plotting, I have to say that an outline can be immensely helpful—especially for NaNoWriMo, when you need to get down a lot of words in such a short amount of time. Outlines help save time in the long run because you catch a lot of plot holes from the start, and you (hopefully) won’t have to delete as many scenes during the editing stage. Plus, outlines need not stifle creativity during the writing process. If you find that your characters are taking the plot down a different route, it’s entirely possible to follow a new path! But having some direction from the start can be reassuring and makes sure that you’re never entirely lost.    

Book Review: Frankly in Love

Book Review: Frankly in Love
Nov 07, 2019 by Erin Yun

Now that the weather in New York has finally reached that perfectly crisp temperature, I’ve been craving snug evenings spent buried under a massive pile of blankets, with a good book in my hands, and a cup of tea to the side. And what goes better with a cozy night like that then a little romance? With that in mind, I picked up David Yoon’s debut novel, Frankly in Love. I’ve been hearing tons of buzz about this book lately, and what with the Korean representation and rave reviews, I had a feeling that I, too, would be . . . well . . . frankly in love with it. However, while I was expecting a fluffy love story, this book delved into deeper issues, balancing family matters with struggles of navigating identity. If you’re anything like me, Frankly in Love will bounce you back and forth between laughter and tears.

Book Review: Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee

Book Review: Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee
Oct 31, 2019 by Erin Yun
So, I don’t know about y’all, but I love horror movies. I love the quality ones, of course, like The Babadook, Train to Busan, and Halloween. But even more than those, I love love loooooove bad horror movies. I’ve watched Zombeavers about five times now, and The Gingerdead Man is next up in the queue. All that to say, I was captivated by Jeff Zentner's Rayne & Delilah’s Midnite Matinee from the start.

Book Review: The House in Poplar Wood

Book Review: The House in Poplar Wood
Oct 18, 2019 by Erin Yun
You know how some people celebrate Christmas for the whole month of December? Well, I’m like that, too, except with Halloween. (And okay, Christmas too—I really like holidays, okay?) That means that ever since October arrived, I’ve been knee-high in spooky reads. The Shining, a collection of YA Poe retellings, Coraline—give me more, please! Of course, sometimes I’m feeling the autumnal vibes but don’t want to have recurring nightmares. For times like those, I crave spooky books that aren’t too spooky, and I recently finished a perfect example of such a balancing act—The House in Poplar Wood by K. E. Ormsbee (also known as Kathryn Ormsbee).